Hatem Naif Al-Yazji

Hatem Naif Al-Yazji

تاريخ الميلاد 14 آب 2011
تاريخ الوفاة 21 تموز 2014

المنطقة الشمال

Two-year-old Hatem from Jabalia town in the North of the Gaza Strip was named by his father. He liked to play football and to watch Toyor Al Janah children TV channel and dance and sing its melodies with his sister Yasmeen.

On 21 July 2014, Hatem and his family relocated to his grandfather's house seeking a safe place. An Israeli missile hit the house without a prior warning. Hatem was immediately killed along with his sister Yasmeen, 4, and their grandfathers.

"I want to get Hatem and Yasmeen back to play with them; all of my friends have siblings except me ", said his sister, Mayar, who is six years old.

His little brother Anas vowed revenge for the killing of his siblings”, his mother said.