Amna Jehad Matar

Amna Jehad Matar

Date of birth 18 Oct 2003
Date of death 24 Jul 2014

Location North

Ten-year-old Amna from Beit Hanoun in the north of the Gaza Strip was a simple child. Her school was her favorite place. She had many dreams in life. Her ambition was to get the highest grades and to enter university. “She liked to play with her dolls, which she considered as her friends,” said her father, 43.

Amna and her family relocated to the UNRWA school seeking shelter. On 24 July 2014, she returned to her house along with her elder brother, Mohammed, 12, to collect their clothes from their house's roof and go back to the shelter. An Israeli missile targeted them. They were immediately killed, and her body parts were scattered.