Mohamed Mostafa Ismail Abu Hammad

Mohamed Mostafa Ismail Abu Hammad

Date of birth 01 Oct 2000
Date of death 29 Jul 2014

Location Khan Younis

13-year-old Mohamed Mostafa Ismail Abu Hammad from Khan Younis loved football, computer games and toy cars. The thing he wanted more than anything in the world was a bicycle to ride around on. But his family couldn’t afford to get him one.

On 29 July 2014, Mohammed was in the street with his friends when an Israeli drone attacked a motorcycle that was travelling near them. As a result, Mohammed and his friend, Mohannad Al Qrra, 17, were instantly killed.  After his death, his parents bought a bike for his younger brother; they felt so bad about not being able to get Mohamed one before he died.

‘He was like my son. Just minutes before he was killed he told me to tell his mother not to worry about him,’ says his uncle.