Mohammed Omar Saleh

Mohammed Omar Saleh

Date of birth 22 Jan 1997
Date of death 02 Aug 2014

Location Rafah

17-year-old Mohammed Omar from Rafah was a kind and quiet boy. He liked helping others. He liked playing football. “He used to go to the sports club to do weight lifting. He was very generous and loved inviting his friends for dinner,” says his surviving twin sister, Safaa’. 

Safaa woke up during the night on 2 August 2014. She was feeling uncomfortable and told her parents that she thought she would die. Her father quickly called an ambulance to take her to the hospital. At that time, an Israeli war plane attacked the house. The family did not receive prior warning. Mohammed, who was still asleep, was instantly killed in the attack. “Mohammed’s twin, Safaa, has deep psychological pain from Mohammed’s death; she still says that she feels she will die soon,” says their mother.