Raffia Attah Mohamed Al Najjar

Raffia Attah Mohamed Al Najjar

Date of birth 10 Apr 2011
Date of death 29 Jul 2014

Location Khan Younis

Three-year-old Raffia from Khan Younis had a strong and daring personality. She liked toys. She treated her dolls like children, playing the role of their mother. She dressed like an adult. She liked children. She liked the songs from the Toyoor Al Jannah children’s television programme and she had them all memorized. She loved her younger brother and used to share her belongings and sweets with him. “She sometimes waited for her mother to fall asleep and then she would play with her makeup,” said her grandmother.

On 29 July 2014, Israeli warplanes attacked her house without warning. Raffia was killed along with many members of her family, including her parents and her brother.