Hend Emad Mohamed Qadurah

Hend Emad Mohamed Qadurah

تاريخ الميلاد 03 كانون الأول 2004
تاريخ الوفاة 28 تموز 2014

المنطقة الشمال

Nine-year-old Hend from Al Salam neighborhood in Jabalia town in the North of the Gaza Strip was a very kind child. She would make cakes for her brothers from her own money. She was like her siblings, calm and polite. After finishing her homework, she would play with her sisters. She used to sit on her father's leg when he came back from work, and played with him.

Hend and her brother, Yossef, 11, were killed on Eid day, when her grandfather's house was targeted by Israeli warplanes, without prior warning, while they were inside with their family. “I lost my children. I consider myself as a strong and patient person, capable of handling this tragedy”, said her father who is 34.