Anwar Abd-El-Kader Younis

Anwar Abd-El-Kader Younis

Date of birth 05 Dec 2012
Date of death 29 Jul 2014

Location Der Elbalah

One and a half-year-old Anwar Abd-El-Kader Younis from Al Nuseirat was very clever and learned new things quickly. He seemed to be a bit ahead of his age. He was afraid of war. Anwar spent much of his time by his mother’s side.

On 25 July 2014, he was thrown off his bed onto the floor by the force of a nearby Israeli bombing. When his mother ran in to check on him, she thought at first he was just sleeping, but then tried to wake him up and was unable to. ‘His lips had gone blue. I shouted and cried. I couldn’t help him. I didn’t know what to do. He was my little baby,’ his mother says.