Mahmoud Anwar Mohamed Abu Shabab

Mahmoud Anwar Mohamed Abu Shabab

Date of birth 29 Jun 1998
Date of death 19 Jul 2014

Location Rafah

16-year-old Mahmoud Anwar Mohamed Abu Shabab from Rafah was a happy, responsible and generous boy.  “He loved tennis and dreamt of being a tennis champion when he was older,” said his brother.

On 9 July 2014, Mohamed and his brother heard an explosion and ran out of the house to see what had happened. He and a number of other boys and young men from the neighborhood were gathered together when they were targeted by an Israeli aircraft. His mother asked him to say the Shahaadatain [a declaration of faith and trust that professes that there is only one God and that Muhammad is God's messenger] and he was admitted to the hospital by ambulance and he was pronounced death on arrival.