Mahmoud Tal’at Abu Shretieh

Mahmoud Tal’at Abu Shretieh

Date of birth 05 Mar 2001
Date of death 21 Aug 2014

Location Der Elbalah

Mamoud from Deir Al Balah liked playing football. And he used to sing. He was said to have a beautiful voice. He liked to imitate Mohammed Assaf [Palestinian Arab Idol winner 2013]. 

On 21 July 2014, Mahmoud was irrigating the crops with his uncle Bashier, 26, when an Israeli warplane attacked them. He was 13 years old when he was killed by the Israeli forces.

“I’m so sad for the death of my son. Our financial situation is difficult and my son died before I could bring him everything he needed. I always carry his picture. I cry,” said his mother.