Khaleel Osama Khalil Al Hayya

Khaleel Osama Khalil Al Hayya

Date of birth 13 Aug 2007
Date of death 20 Jul 2014

Location Gaza

6-year-old Khaleel Osama Al Hayya from Gaza liked poetry. He would write letters to his aunts and grandmother who lived in Dubai, telling them how much he missed them. He received high marks at school and he liked to read. He liked swimming and playing football. “His grandfather used to call him “leader” because he liked organizing his bedroom and his brothers copied him,” said his grandmother.  

On 20 July 2014, an Israeli warplane attacked the house of Osama Al Hayya without warning. As a result, Khaleel, his father Osama, 30; his mother Hala, 29; his sister Omama, 9; his brothers Hamza , 5; were all killed.